
Busy week at work so it took me some time to get back to boatshed. At least Iā€™m sure that epoxy layer is fully cured!

I finished sanding the hull. Light sanding, grid 120, by hand, just to knock off any epoxy bumps and few runs. Mostly to key the surface for maximal adhesion of the next layer.

After vacuuming the hull I scratched remaining shiny areas with Scotch brite. Probably not necessary but I had this routine for varnishing and felt no need to change it. Vacuuming again.

As a primer I use Hempel Light Primer, two component paint. It is epoxy, in fact, just that it contains thinner so for wood impregnation WEST is far superior. My hull got WEST already, three layers, so Hempel epoxy is a bit unnecessary but I had these cans since times of Motoko renovation so I wanted to finally use them.

Nasty stuff. Smells awfully and is thick as cream. I rolled the first layer at night, temperature was 14 degrees C so it will be dry for second coat in 8 hours. Minimum application temperature is 5 degrees.

The plan is to finish priming today and starting top coating tomorrow.