All of sudden we have 15 degrees C!
I rushed to the boatyard to use this opportunity for epoxy process.
Earlier during the week I machined copper plates which will be used as additional security should the wooden plugs leak or got loose.
I cut these thick copper plates using jig saw so I needed to square them out on a proper machine. Adding chamfer on the top edge of each plate so that it will not keep any water.
They will be installed on the inside of the hull, with additional Sika bedding acting as a sealant and glue. As yet another level of protection they will be held in place by several bronze screws. Eat this!
I finish them in brushed surface, they will age nicely.
Before these place are screwed I need to glue wooden plugs to close unused through-hull openings. There are three such places: two after removed marine toilet and one after removed mechanical log.
After abrading hole edges with sandpaper I degrease them with acetone. All according to the book.
Plugs in place. I used WEST Flex epoxy, even though mahogany is very stable.
I will return to them after epoxy sets, cutting them flush and securing with copper plates.
There was hardly anyone in the boat-hall, I was hoping that Jim will show up. A bit disappointed I finished abrading port side for varnish and headed home.