Three hawks!
Early noon was I on place, with pre-warmed paint and all tools needed. I started with final vacuuming of the deck and then moved on to rolling out primer coat.
Work went smoothly and was enjoyable. The effect is clean and neat.
Nothing to do on the boat now. When the paint cures I’ll put some filler in few spots and then coat with topcoat. Hopefully that will be tomorrow.
While washing tools I noticed that birds stoped singing.
It was strangely silent for a while and then I heard them: hawks!
There were three of them, huge birds, high above Rosättra. What a magnificent view!
On my way home I turned to the waterline and removed mast-foot from my mast. I need to cut opening in new cabin sole to clear out the mast. I plan to do that tonight, when the paint is dry enough to not accept any dust from air.